What is a Solar System || Defination || Energy || Easily explanation

Introduction of Solar System

The Solar System is a Sun and a System of Objects Revolving around it. Our Solar System Includes our Star, the Sun, and Everything Gravitationally Bound to it Such as Earth, Asteroids, Meteors, Comets, and Many other Planets. The Solar System is a Gravitationally bound System of the Sun and Objects Orbiting it. The Largest of these Bodies are the Eight Planets, Which is Orbit the Sun four terrestrial Planets, Two Gas Giants and two ice Giants. A Solar System is a Group of Planets and their Other Bodies that Revolve around a Star. The Earth is in a Solar System with Eight and Some other Planets and Some other Orbiting Objects While Including Pluto (Who was kicked out of the Planet Club in 2006).

Solar System

What is an Orbit

A Orbit is a Regular, and Repeating Path that One Objects takes around Another Object or Center of Gravity. Orbiting Objects, Which are Called a Satellites, Include all the Planets, Moons, and Asteroids, and Manmade devices. Objects Orbit Each Other Because of the Gravity. All the Planets and the Dwarf Planets, and the Rocky Asteroids, and the icy Bodies in the Kuiper Belt Moves around the Sun in Elliptical Orbits in the Same Direction that the Sun rotates. This Motion is termed prograde, or Direct, Motion

What is a Planet

A Planet is a Celestial Body that is in a Orbital Between Moving Circle Around the Sun, Has Sufficient Mass for its Self-Gravity to Overcome Rigid Body forces so That it Assumes a Hydrostatic Equilibrium Shape, and has Cleared the Neighbourhood Around its Orbit. The Word Planet Means ‘Wanderer’. This is Because the Planets do Appear to Wander listlessly across the Night Sky. The Stars also Moves across the Sky from East to West, but Relative to Each others, they Appear Fixed.

There are Eight Planets in Our Solar System in Our Galaxy :-

The Sun

The Sun is a Star Located at the Center of our Solar System. It is a Giant, Hot Ball of Plasma, Inflated and Heated by the Energy Generated by Nuclear Fusion reactions of its Core. The Sun is an Ordinary Star, one of Approximately 100 Billion Stars in our Galaxy, the Milky Way. The Sun has an Extremely Important Influence on our Planets. Our Sun is a 4.5 Billion Year Old Yellow Dwarf Star a Hot Glowing Ball of Hydrogen and Helium at the Center of our Solar System. It is about 93 Million Miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth and is the Only Star in our Solar System. Without the Sun’s energy, life as We know it Could not Exist on our Home Planet.

The Mercury 1st Planet

Mercury is the first Nearest and the Smallest Planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It’s a Just a little Bigger than the Earth’s Moon. Mercury itself, though, doesn’t have any Moons. It is the Closest Planet to the Sun, but it’s actually not the Hottest. Mercury is Classified as a Terrestrial Planet, with Roughly the Same Surface gravity as Mars. Mercury is the smallest Planet in our Solar system, and it is also the Planet Closest to the Sun, Making it the Most difficult of the Planets to see with the Unaided eye. Because its rising or Setting is always within about two hours of the Sun’s, Mercury is never Observable when the sky is Fully dark.

The Venus 2nd Planet

Venus is the Second Planet from the Sun. It’s the Hottest Planet in our Solar System, and is Sometimes Called Earth’s Twin. Venus is a bit Smaller than Earth. It has the Densest Atmosphere of all Rocky bodies in the Solar System, so Dense that at Surface level and 92 Atmospheres, It is a Supercritical fluid. The Planet’s Surface is dominated by Volcanoes there are 167 Venusian Volcanoes that are over 100 km across.

The Earth 3rd Planet

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. Earth is the third largest Planet in our Solar System, and it’s the only One known for Sure to have Liquid Water on its Surface. Earth is also Unique in terms of Monikers This is Enabled by Earth being a Water world, the Only one in the Solar System Sustaining Liquid Surface Water. Earth is the only Place in the known Universe Confirmed to Host Life.

The Mars 4th Planet

Mars is the Fourth Planet from the Sun. The Surface of Mars is Orange-Red because it is Covered in Iron(III) Oxide dust, giving it the Nickname “The Red Planet”. Mars hosts many enormous extinct volcanos and one of the largest canyons in the Solar System. For comparison, Mars’s diameter is 6,779 km.

The Jupitar 5th Planet

Jupiter is the Fifth Planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined, and slightly less than one one-thousandth the mass of the Sun. Jupitar is Very Far, the Largest Planet in the Solar system More than twice as Massive as all the other Planets Combined. Jupiter’s Stripes and Swirls are actually Cold, Windy Clouds of ammonia and Water, Floating in an atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium.

The Saturn 6th Planet

Saturn is the Sixth Planet from the Sun and the Second-Largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a Gas giant with an average Radius of about Nine-and-a-half times that of Earth. It has Only one-eighth the Average Density of Earth, but is over 95 times more Massive. Saturn was Named after the Roman god of Agriculture. According to Myth, Saturn Introduced Agriculture to his People by teaching them how to Farm the land. Saturn was also the Roman god of time and this is Perhaps why the Slowest (in orbit around the Sun) of the Five Bright Planets was Named after Him.

The Uranus 7th Planet

Uranus is the Seventh Planet from the Sun. It is a Gaseous Cyan-Coloured Ice giant. Most of the Planet is Made of Water, Ammonia, and Methane in a Supercritical Phase of Matter, Which in Astronomy is Called ‘ice’ or Volatiles. Uranus is a Very Cold and Windy Planet. It is Surrounded by Faint rings, and more than two Dozen Small Moons as it Rotates at a Nearly 90-degree angle from the Plane of its Orbit. This Unique tilt Makes Uranus appear to Spin on its Side.

The Neptune 8th and Last Planet

Neptune is the Eighth and Farthest Planet from the Sun. It is the Fourth-largest Planet in the Solar System by Diameter, the Third-most-Massive Planet, and the Densest Giant Planet. It is 17 times the Mass of Earth, and Slightly more Massive than Fellow Ice Giant Uranus. Neptune is One of two Ice Giants in the Outer Solar System (the other is Uranus). Most (80% or more) of the planet’s mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of “Icy” Materials Water, Methane, and Ammonia above a Small, Rocky Core. Of the Giant Planets, Neptune is the Densest.

See also


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