Sorces of Light || Defination || Benifits of Light || Full Information

Introduction of Sources of Light

Sources of Light is a kind of energy that our eyes can see. It travels in waves, and these waves can have different lengths. The range of these wave lengths is very wide, from really short ones called gamma rays to longer ones like radio waves. But the light that our eyes can see is in a small part of this range, between about 400 to 700 billionths of a meter. We call this the visible spectrum, and it includes colors like red and violet. There are other kinds of light too, like infrared and ultraviolet, which are just outside what our eyes can see. The speed of light is a special number – about 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,282 miles per second when it travels through empty space.

Sorces of Light
Sorces of Light

Sources of Light are Comes From Many Places, and we can group all of them into two main types:

Natural Sources:
These are Light Sources that come from Nature. Examples include the Sun, Stars, and even Fireflies at Night.

Artificial Sources:
These are Light Sources Created by Humans. Examples include Light Bulbs, Flashlights, and any Kind of Man-made Lighting.

Natural Light Sources

Our Universe is full of objects that give off light, and some of that light reaches Earth. Various natural elements possess the ability to emit light:

  • The Sun: The Sun is the primary source of light for Earth. It’s a colossal ball of fire where nuclear fusion generates immense energy. This energy is released in the form of heat and light, playing a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet.

  • Stars: All stars produce light, but the vast distances in space mean only a small amount, if any, reaches Earth.

  • The Moon: While the moon itself doesn’t produce light, it provides illumination by reflecting the light from the Sun. This reflected light is what we see from Earth.

  • Bioluminescent Organisms: Some living creatures have the remarkable ability to create their own light, a phenomenon known as bioluminescence. This light results from specific chemical reactions within the organism. Examples include fireflies, jellyfish, glow-worms, certain deep-sea plants, and various microorganisms.

  • Natural Phenomena: Certain natural events, such as lightning and volcanic eruptions, also emit light, adding to the diverse sources of illumination in our world.

Artificial Light Sources

In addition to natural sources, artificial production of light is widespread, and these artificial light sources can be broadly categorized into three groups:

  • Incandescent Sources:

    When certain objects are heated to high temperatures, they start emitting light. This process generates both infrared and visible light. Examples of incandescent sources include candles and incandescent lamps.

  • Luminescent Sources:

    Light can be created by speeding up charges within a luminescent material. One common method involves passing an electric current through the material. Examples of luminescent sources include fluorescent tube lights and electric bulbs.

  • Gas Discharge Sources:

    Passing electricity through specific gases at very low pressure can also produce light. Examples of gas discharge sources include neon lamps and sodium lamps.

Reflaction of Light

A Light rays refract Whenever it travels at an Angle into a Medium of Different Refractive Indices. This Changes in Speed results in a Change in the Direction. As an Example, Considered air travelling into Water. The Speed of the Light decrease as it Continues to travel at a different Angle. Bouncing back of Lights rays after Hitting any Surfaces is Called reflection of Light. If the Surface is Smooth and Shiny, the Light Will Reflects at the Same angles at Which it hits the Surfaces.

Refraction of Light

Refraction of Light is the Redirection of a Wave particles as it passes From One Medium to another Medium. The Redirection Can be Cause by the Wave Changes in the Speed or by a Change in the Medium. The Refraction of Light is the Bending of Light ray as they Passes From One Medium to Another Medium, Thereby Changing the Path of the Rays. Refraction of Light Occurs due to a Change in the Speed of the Light Ray or Wave.


Lightning is a formidable natural electrical spark, triggered by an uneven electrical charge in the atmosphere. The process begins when raindrops in clouds freeze into ice particles and collide. This collision generates an electric charge that accumulates and eventually discharges into the atmosphere, giving rise to lightning. The intensity of lightning is such that it creates a striking trail of light, heat, and sound. The sound produced by the rapid expansion of air heated by lightning is recognized as thunder. Light is a fascinating phenomenon. It often moves in straight lines, resembling a laser pointer or sunlight streaming through a window. However, it can also spread out, bend, and reflect in different situations. In even more uncommon scenarios, light can penetrate through objects and, in extreme cases, result in harm or even death. But what exactly is light? What is it composed of? And how do we measure it


The information provided on this topic is for general informational purposes only. While efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

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अरे बाप रे इतना सस्ता Cooler अभी खरीद लो वरना दाम बढ़ जायेगा प्रकृति में शुद्ध पानी के कितने स्रोत है हमें पिने के लिए शुद्ध पानी कहा से मिलता है आइये जानते है क्या आप जानते है की प्रकृति में मिट्ठी का क्या महत्व होता है मिटटी की संरचना कैसी होती है कैसे पेड़ और पौधे मिटटी से अपना खाना बनाते है आइये जानते है क्या आप जानते है बारिश के बाद ही आकाश में इन्द्रधनुष कैसे बनता है क्या विज्ञानं है इसके पीछे क्या आप जानते है की प्रकृति में किसी भी चीज़ का अपवर्तन और परावर्तन कैसे होता है नहीं जानते तो यहाँ पढ़िए