What is a Gravitational Force || Defination || Benifits || Types || Easily Explaination

Introduction of Gravitational Force

In Physics, Gravitational Force is a Fundamental Interaction that Causes Mutual Attraction between all things that have Mass. The Force of Gravity, or Gravitational Force, Pulls Objects with Mass toward each other. We often think of the Force of Gravity from the Earth. This Gravitational Force keeps your Body Connected to the Ground. But any object with Mass also exerts a Gravitational Force on all other objects with Mass.

Gravitational Force

Gravitational Force is the Force of Attraction Between any two Bodies. All Objects in the Universe Attract each other with a Certain Amount of Force, but in Most Cases, due to the Great Distance of Separation, the Gravitational Force is too Weak to be Observed.The Gravitational Force between two Objects also depends on the Distance between their Centers. The Further Objects are from one another, the weaker the Gravitational Force is.Gravitational Force is the Natural Forces in the World. Between any two Masses Consisting of Matter, there exists a Gravitational Force of Attraction Proportional to their Masses and Inversely Proportional to the Square of the Distance.

Gravitation Force Formula

Who is the Father of Gravitation Force

Born: 4 January 1643 Died: 31 March 1727

Sir Isaac Newton is known for the Father of Gravitation Force

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726 ) Was an English Polymath active as a Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Alchemist, Theologian, and Author who was Describes in his time as a Natural Philosopher. He was a Key Figure in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment that Followed. His Pioneering Book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematical (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), First Published in 1687, Consolidated Many Previous Results and Established Classical Mechanics. Newton also Made Seminal Contributions to Optics, and Shares Credit with German Mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for Developing Infinitesimal Calculus, though he Developing Calculus Years Before Leibniz. He is Considered one of the Greatest and Most Influential Scientists in the History.

Laws of Gravitational Force :-

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation says that every Particle attracts every other Particle in the Universe with a Force that is Proportional to the Product of their Masses and Inversely Proportional to the Square of the distance Between their Centers. Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Statement that any Particle of Matter in the Universe attracts any other With a Force Varying directly as the Product of the Masses and Inversely as the Square of the distance Between them Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Statement that any Particle of Matter in the Universe attracts any other with a Force Varying directly as the Product of the Masses and Inversely as the Square of the distance Between them.

First Law of Gravitational Force

Newton’s 1st Gravitational Force Law of Universal Gravitation says that every Particle attracts every other Particle in the Universe with a Force that is Proportional to the Product of their Masses and Inversely Proportional to the Square of the distance Between their Centers.

The Universal Gravitation Force Equation thus takes the form. F ∝ m 1 m 2 r 2.

2nd Second Law of Gravitation Force

Newton’s Second Law of Motion States that Gravity F = ma, or the Net Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration. A Larger Net Force acting on an Object Causes Larger acceleration, and Objects with Larger Mass require more Force to Accelerate.Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Newton’s Second law is a Quantitative Description of the Changes that a Force can Produce on the Motion of a Body. It States that the time rate of Change of the Momentum of a Body is equal in both Magnitude and direction to the Force imposed on it

3rd Third Law of Gravitation Force

Newton’s Third Law of Motion States that to every Action there is an Equal and Opposite reaction. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation is Equivalent to his Third Law of Motion in the Sense that any two Objects in the Universe attract each other with Forces which are equal in Magnitude and Opposite in Direction. Newton’s third law of Motion Holds good for the Force of Gravitation. This Means that when Earth exerts a Force of attraction on an Object, then the Object also exerts an equal Force on the earth, in the Opposite direction.

The Importance of the Universal Law of Gravitation is as Follows

Gravity is Very important to us. We Could not live on Earth Without it. The Sun’s Gravity keeps Earth in Orbit around it, keeping us at a Comfortable distance to enjoy the Sun’s Light and Warmth. It Holds down our Atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

The importance of the universal law of gravitation is as follows:

  • It Explains the Motion of Planets around the Sun.

  • It Helps in determining the trajectory of Astronomical Bodies and to Predict their Motion.

  • It Also explains rainfall, the Motion of Water in the Oceans, rivers etc.

See also


The Information provided in this content is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not exhaustive and may not cover all aspects of the topic. Gravitational force is a complex scientific concept, and this content does not substitute professional advice or consultation. Readers are encouraged to consult with qualified physicists, educators, or experts in the field for a comprehensive understanding of gravitational force

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अरे बाप रे इतना सस्ता Cooler अभी खरीद लो वरना दाम बढ़ जायेगा प्रकृति में शुद्ध पानी के कितने स्रोत है हमें पिने के लिए शुद्ध पानी कहा से मिलता है आइये जानते है क्या आप जानते है की प्रकृति में मिट्ठी का क्या महत्व होता है मिटटी की संरचना कैसी होती है कैसे पेड़ और पौधे मिटटी से अपना खाना बनाते है आइये जानते है क्या आप जानते है बारिश के बाद ही आकाश में इन्द्रधनुष कैसे बनता है क्या विज्ञानं है इसके पीछे क्या आप जानते है की प्रकृति में किसी भी चीज़ का अपवर्तन और परावर्तन कैसे होता है नहीं जानते तो यहाँ पढ़िए